Disability Tennis

Our goal to ensure tennis is Open and Accessible for all throughout Durham & Cleveland demands that every club and venue provides a warm welcome to everyone. To ensure uniformity of delivery across all, we have adopted the LTA Diversity and Inclusion Policy in full. 

Tennis really is a sport that anyone can play. Tennis can be adapted for any level of ability, as well as for players with different disabilities. It can be adapted to make it easier, slower, and simpler to participate in. It is also a great sport to play, with proven physical and mental health benefits for all.

All the equipment and aids you need can be supplied to give the sport a go. There are sports wheelchairs if you have a physical disability and require the use of a wheelchair, and tennis balls that make a noise when they bounce if you’re visually impaired enabling you to track the ball with your hearing. There’s nothing stopping you from giving it a go and having fun.

We work with venues across the county to provide opportunities for disability-specific tennis sessions, as well as supporting clubs and venues to become more inclusive. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned player there will be a category for you!

Get involved in disability tennis

Whether you want to play, coach or volunteer – contact disabilitytennis@lta.org.uk to get started today! 

Or get in touch with Matt Elkington, Disability Development Partner on 07961 267607  (matthew.elkington@lta.org.uk)