Our Objectives

Our Action Plan for 2022 – 2025 has clear objectives:


  • Increase the number of adults playing tennis each year and the frequency of adults playing tennis twice a month.
  • Increase the number of children playing tennis.
  • Increase the number of children and adults competing regularly in LTA-graded competitions in the County
  • Increase the number of players of all ages with disability, special needs or other forms of deprivation actively participating in organised tennis activity


  • Increase the quality and quantity of coaches operating at all levels across the County (County and External)
  • Increase the number of County-based qualified Officials at all levels from Competition Organiser to Referee


  • Ensure the best players in the County receive the highest level of coaching required and numbers at each level of the player pathway are increased
  • Increase the number of LTA Grade 3 –6 competitions and of host venues offering performance tennis opportunity at all ages from LTA Youth to Seniors Tennis


  • Strengthen relationship between Durham & Cleveland LTA and Clubs and venues
  • Develop sub-committee structures to engage Club and venue members in work to deliver County objectives
  • Maintain the County’s leading position nationally in best practice in Safeguarding and Welfare

The Action Plan is prepared in collaboration with the LTA’s Head of Delivery, North & Midlands East and translates the LTA’s national mission and Durham & Cleveland LTA’s local priorities into a coordinated plan. Executive Committee members take on specific goals to help ensure we deliver on our objectives.