The LTA offers clubs and venues a wealth of resources to support them in the management, development, maintenance, promotion and growth of their operation. Links to the key elements of these resources can be found here, but if you are unsure where to go, please feel free to contact Durham & Cleveland LTA for advice, either at or
Durham & Cleveland LTA has two dedicated support schemes in place for our clubs and venues. Advantage Durham & Cleveland is a 3-year programme offering financial support for small projects to help improve facilities or make a real difference to how you operate. Durham & Cleveland Tennis is a Facebook page bringing together players, officials, volunteers and administrators of tennis throughout our area. It is a forum where we can all share our experience and knowledge to bring best practice to all clubs and work together to grow tennis across Durham & Cleveland.
LTA Resources:
Programming & Court Utilisation
My Tennis Toolkit (a library of free-to-download marketing materials)