Coaching Opportunities

New NE Coaching vacancy online map finder

Hey all LTA Accredited Coaches and LTA Registered Venues across the North East.

Following the recent survey we circulated, thank you to venues and coaches who sent in their current coach vacancies.  We have set up the below map with all the current vacancies across the North East.

If you are opening the below on your mobile phone, please ensure you open it with safari or chrome v maps.

The blue icons are LTA Registered Venues in Durham & Cleveland and Northumberland.

The yellow icons are all current coach vacancies.

  • When you click on the yellow icons the information will appear regarding the venue, Head Coach, contact details and what current vacancies are on offer.

We will be adding the link to local websites, circulating to all trainees on LTA Qualification courses, sharing across local networks, social media and the North East Coaching and Volunteering app.

North East Coach Vacancies Map

One thing to share, which is quite common at present.  A high number of venues / Head Coaches are offering part time opportunities.  However due to potential limited number of hours being offered, its challenging to retain them (they are going to find other jobs / opportunities that can offer more).  It’s been great to hear about a number of Head Coaches / Venues who are working with each other to combine opportunities so more hours can be offered, which is helping to retain them.  

Kind regards,

Jo Cunliffe

Workforce Development Partner